

Our Core Services

Premium living is a registered NDIS service provider serving Perth metro suburbs. Premium living takes pride in tailoring individual supports to specific clients’ needs and delivering a flexible service that is personalised to provide the support the participant needs. 


Assistance with Personal Activities

We assist participant with their personal activities of daily living. This is often in the participants home. Our support workers are readily available to assist you with all tasks including shopping, cooking, cleaning, accompanying to medical appointments and assisting with personal care activities such as showering, dressing or personal grooming.


Community Nursing Care for High Needs

Premium living offers Community Nursing Care for High Needs and standard care needs. The Higher Intensity Supports is characterized by three levels all based on the skills and qualifications of the staff members used to deliver supports to participants. If your NDIS funding includes higher intensity support, Premium Living will provide a support worker with additional qualifications and experience relevant to the participant’s complex needs.


Assist with Travel/Transport

At Premium living our Support Services staff will:


Assist-life stages, Transition and Support

We offer short and long-term supports that focus on strengthening the participant’s ability to coordinate their supports, and to assist them to live at home and participate in their community as much as possible.

This includes:


Assist Daily Task/Shared living

Premium living offers a nurturing environment that, promotes your independence, fosters capacity building and provides you with opportunities to pursue your goals and interests.With the help of our experienced staff, we will assist you with Supports that you need to make your life comfortable. This service incorporates assistance with and or supervising tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, short term accommodation and/ or respite care which is either temporally or ongoing with a focus on developing individual skills to live autonomously as possible.

We take a person-centred approach to your care so you can have access to appropriate, effective and quality support.


Community Participation, Social and Civic Activities

We believe participation in community-based activities improves well-being as you can engage in meaningful activities of your choice. This service aims to support NDIS participants, buildskills, develop independence and confidenceshowcase their hidden talents and actively participate within the community.


Development of Daily Living & Life Skills

We believe participation in community-based activities improves well-being as you can engage in meaningful activities of your choice. This service aims to support NDIS participants, buildskills, develop independence and confidenceshowcase their hidden talents and actively participate within the community.


Interpreting and translation

Our team will book a face-to-face or over the phone language support interpreter. You can ask our team to help book a specific interpreter whenever you contact them, for example, if you want the same interpreter or prefer a specific gender. We are a registered NDIS provider and our Support Coordinators, can register with TIS National to allow you and your carers access to NDIS funded interpreters.

Plan Management

We provide services in Managing the funding for supports under a participant’s plan.

Management of Funding will include:

It is the choice of the participant to appoint someone (or more than one person) or care provider to manage their funding. Premium living offers the best possible services in this respect. We also ensure that funding is paid out in a timely manner and all the funds are managed according to your needs.


Therapeutic Supports

Our aim is to provide the necessary support that enables you to live more independently and

achieve your goals. Premium living provides Allied Health and Therapy services, which will

work toward meeting your goals.

Our team takes the time to get to know you, we find out your

interests and goals in order to understand the kind of therapy and support you require.

Specialised Disability Accommodation

Obtaining suitable accommodation that meets your needs can be challenging.

Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA) services enable people with disability to live as independently as possible through funding that encourages the development of purpose-built housing options. These housing options are designed to meet the needs of participants who require specialist housing solutions to cater to their high support needs and assist with the delivery of their supports.


Get in touch with us

Premium living is a registered NDIS service provider serving Perth metro suburbs. Premium living takes pride in tailoring individual supports to specific clients’ needs and delivering a flexible service