What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australia wide scheme that will support people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. The NDIS will give people with disability more choice and control over how, when and where supports are received, and provides certainty that they will receive the support they need over their lifetime.
The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme, designed to reform the way disability services are funded and delivered. The NDIS provides people with a permanent and significant disability (0 – 65 years) access to supports to help them take part in everyday activities and to achieve their individual goals and
The NDIS will have a range of benefits for those who are eligible including
- a fairer funding system that will replace current state funding systems
- choice and control; participants choose how, when and where they receive support
- long term, sustainable funding which will allow supports to change as needs change
- assistance to make informed choices
- safeguards to support participants in exercising their choice and control
- early intervention to minimise the impacts and avoid crisis point
- the opportunity to participate in the community
- information about disability services available including community resources and government program
To be eligible participants must be:
- under 65 years of age when they first access the scheme
- an Australian Citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand Citizen who is a Protected Special
- Category Visa Holder
- have a permanent or significant disability, then you may be eligible
If you currently receive disability services, you will be contacted by NDIA as your area transitions.
If you are not currently receiving disability services, you will need to contact NDIS by phoning 1800 800 110 when it is available in your area. For further information and resources is available on www.ndis.gov.au
Yes, you may need to provide evidence of your eligibility including your residency status, date of birth and disability diagnosis. The planner will ask about the supports you need to live your life now and in the future. It is important that you have thought through what you want to achieve and what support you need to get to these outcomes so that your planning session can be the most beneficial.
Get in touch with us
Premium living is a registered NDIS service provider serving Perth metro suburbs. Premium living takes pride in tailoring individual supports to specific clients’ needs and delivering a flexible service